
חשיבה יצירתית מחוץ לקופסא – איך מאמצים פרספקטיבה חדשה?

  עובדים, מנהלים ואנשים רבים, מחפשים   לאמץ לעצמם דרך חיים באמצעות דפוס חשיבה, פילוסופיה, על מנת שיוכלו להתמודד מול אתגרים באמצעות ראיית הבעיות באופן פתוח ועם הרבה דמיון. מדובר במילים אחרות על חשיבה יצירתית מחוץ לקופסא .  על מנת להתחיל בהליך חשוב זה, יש להשתחרר מדפוסי חשיבה מקובעים, הטבועים בנו כבר מגיל צעיר כך שנוכל להגיע לפתרונות שהם אינם קונבנציונאליים. הצעד הראשון הוא לאמץ דפוסי חשיבה יצירתית ואז, תוכלו למעשה לחשוב "מחוץ לקופסא".   הסקרנות היא המפתח לחשיבה מחוץ לקופסא סקרנות, היא תכונה שיש לאמץ אותה, היות   והיא זו נאשר מעודדת יצירתיות. יש להתחיל לשאול שאלות או להעלות רעיונות חדשים ולאתגר את דפוס החשיבה המסורתית. יש להתחיל לחקור תחומים שאינם מוכרים לכם.  שקלו נקודות מבט חלופיות, בדקו אם ניתן יהיה למצוא גישה טובה יותר ואחרת להתמודד מול בעיות כגון: בעיות בעבודה, בעיות בחיי היום,יום ועוד. הירשמו לסדנת חשיבה יצירתית מחוץ לקופסא , מה שיסייע לכם המון לשנות את דפוסי החשיבה של כל אחד מכם.   הכישלון מהווה קרש קפיצה להצלחתכם רבים אינם מודעים לעובדה, כי כישלון זה ממש לא

Why is Pashmina wool treasured for centuries?

  Welcome to the world of pashmina wool shawl ! Buying pashmina has so many benefits. If you want to know more about it then you have come to the right page! Pashmina wool is valued for their exceptional qualities and timeless elegance. It is considered a wise investment and not only a fashion garment. Continue reading to explore the qualities of pashmina that make it a luxury garment. What is Pashmina Wool? Understanding the intricate qualities of pashmina is very important for getting a clear concept of its popularity. Pashmina wool comes from the soft undercoat of the Changthangi goat which lives in the high mountains of India, Nepal and Tibet. The word "Pashmina" comes from the Persian word "Pashm," meaning "soft gold" or "soft wool." This wool is famous for being very fine, soft and warm, making it very popular and valuable around the world. Exceptional Qualities of Pashmina       Softness and comfort The softness and comfort of pa

Going Towards Dream -: The PR points calculator Australia

  Dreaming of a country that is well-equipped with technology is good. A country like Australia is one of the dream countries.   The important point to remember is that, if you are not a part of that country it becomes difficult to stay permanently. But with the emergence of the rules and regulations, it has become quite easy to live there permanently. The PR point calculator to Australia will help to calculate the score which will help you in getting a permanent residency in Australia and make the dream real. Professionals will find it simpler, but students can also use the PR calculator to figure out how well they'll score to obtain permanent residency in Australia. PR Points Calculator Australia: What is it? The Question arises What is it? The PR calculator can help you in acquiring an Australian permanent visa by determining your score. The applicant may access the powerful PR calculator at any time and from any location. It collects data from you and calculates the scor

Searching the Best Immigration Agents and Consultants in Delhi for Your Global Aspirations

  Do you want to relocate to your favorite country abroad? Delhi is the hub for immigration consultancy but one must know the best immigration agents in Delhi for a speedy process. This article provides you with an overview of immigration consultancy. As in today’s world India is moving forward to becoming the greatest economy so everyone wants to stay or relocate to India. Seeing the future in India foreign people are migrating from their countries to India mainly in Delhi just because of the growth opportunities in Delhi or nearby areas. Who are Immigration agents? The Immigration agent is an advisor who assists people who want to emigrate from one place to another. It can be from country to country or state to state. They help with the legal formalities & documentation which become hectic for a normal person to deal with. Benefits Associated with Agents? Yes, there are various advantages to hiring an agent for Immigration work –: ·          Knowledge & Expertise

Discovering Akansha Chaturvedi’s Journey Through Art

In the vibrant world of corporate India, Akansha Chaturvedi once stood out as a rising star, navigating the structured realms of business with a keen mind for strategy and problem-solving. However, beneath the surface of spreadsheets and boardroom discussions, a different vision was quietly taking form. From an early age, Akansha was drawn to art, spending countless hours bringing her imagination to life through drawing and painting. Even as she excelled in her corporate career, the pull of creativity grew stronger, whispering to her during quiet moments and tugging at her heart amid the demands of work. Taking the Leap The decision to leave a stable, well-paying job was anything but easy. It required sleepless nights and deep conversations with family and friends. Yet, Akansha knew she had to follow her passion. With a mix of excitement and resolve, she stepped away from the corporate ladder and into the boundless world of full-time artistry. A Unique Artistic Voice What di

The Role of the Best Immigration Agents in Your Immigration Journey

  Immigration represents a major journey embodying the pursuit of new opportunities, a better life and personal growth. The decision to relocate to a new country is often driven by our aspirations of safety prosperity and of course a fresh start. But you need to know that the path of achieving dreams is frequently hindered by the delicate and multifaceted immigration process. Navigating the process all by yourself can be really challenging with the plenty of visa categories, ever evolving regulations and extensive paperwork. That is where Best Immigration Agents In Delhi truly come in the picture. The immigration process ·          According to Best Immigration Consultants In Delhi immigration is a complex and often overwhelming process characterized by its multifaceted nature. Understanding the details of the journeys is really important to appreciate the role of immigration agents. ·          You must know that the immigration landscape is populated with a variety of visa cat