Check Out Some Of The Coolest Physiotherapy Techniques

If you have been in an accident, you’d know that most doctors prescribe physiotherapy as post-treatment to regain mobility, right? You will find the best physiotherapy clinic in Gurgaon where the patients are treated with utmost care.

Physiotherapy can be applied to any injuries. For example, if you have suffered from a sports injury, you may go to a physiotherapist who would aid in the healing process. Furthermore, it’s also worth noting that physiotherapy is applied to patients with arthritis, strains, amputations, etc.

In fact, if you have had a knee injury, then going to a physiotherapist is a great idea. There are many knee physiotherapy clinics in Gurgaon from where you can have your knee treated. All in all, we can say that the method of physiotherapy helps us move and enjoy everyday living quite easily.

However, this whole process of physiotherapy is done through some techniques. Of course, the physiotherapist will apply some of the techniques depending on your condition. So, in this article, we will talk about some of the best or the most common physiotherapy techniques that you should know about. If you go to a physiotherapist, you will probably see these techniques being applied, depending on the severity and condition.

Here Are Some Of The Techniques Of Physiotherapy That Are Quite Common

There are lots of techniques out there, and it’s not possible to include them all. However, we have chosen some of the best ones that we see every day. In fact, many physiotherapists from places like physioactiveindia strive to make the life of their patients easier by applying these techniques. So, what are they? Well, we shall find that out shortly enough.

1.     Range Of Motion Excercise

Indeed, physiotherapists often prescribe rest as the preliminary stage of recovery from broken bones or surgery; if it’s prescribed on an extended basis, it can lead to periods of immobility or even thwart the healing process. So, a physiotherapist may prescribe you a range of motion exercises that would facilitate the healing process.

For instance, if a patient frequently moves the affected area, the healing process would only quicken. But it’d also prevent muscle atrophy and postural problems.

2.     Electrotherapy

So, this is another technique that we see physiotherapists apply to their patients in some of the best physiotherapy clinic in Gurgaon. It’s more of an evolution of the energy-based physiotherapy technique, and in this form of treatment, the doctor will provide electrical stimulation by attaching electrodes to the skin. This can help prevent muscle atrophy considerably.

3.     Therapeutic Ultrasound

Next, we have to mention therapeutic ultrasound. It’s worth noting that ultrasound is not normally associated with physiotherapy. Still, in recent years, doctors can utilize sound waves to treat injuries in the body of patients. The ultrasound waves act like a mini massage which is good for therapeutic exercise.


So, these are some of the most common physiotherapy techniques that we see these days. For example, if you have knee problems, you can go to a knee physiotherapy clinic Gurgaon and have them treated. 


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