Tips for raising chickens & cows together


The people are switching to a healthier lifestyle, hence their food choices. For example, earlier chickens & eggs were the only option known to increase protein intake. Still, the bacon & beef have become a mandatory part of their meals, coming from a fresh farm or refrigerated place. 

You have often seen people asking for broiler chickens for sale, and that's where the chickens' farm owner has the idea of raising the two livestock together. 

Thus, below are some tips to follow while raising the chickens & cows together. 

1. Fencing 

When raising the multiple species together, first think about building the fencing system so the animals can't escape. 

In this case, the fencing should primarily focus on cows, and some owners put electric fencing for cows. But remember to have secondary fencing for chickens. 

2. Keep them isolated 

One of the many reasons people don't prefer to keep chickens and cows together is that the cows are more aggressive and can attack the chickens anytime. So, once the cow gets to taste the chicken, you will very soon say goodbye to their entire flock. Thus, it is essential to keep them isolated from each other. 

So, here are two solutions for you to avoid such a situation. 

  • Give the animal ample space because a cow can only attack a chicken in the corner, not in the middle of a vast open space. 
  • Secondly, try buying the calf and raising them together to develop a habit of their presence and have fewer chances of considering them as food. 

3. Feeding 

Don't think the work is done once you have directed the cows towards feeding. Instead, you have to do it multiple times until it becomes natural. 

This is because; cows are intelligent animals & more than their food; their focus is on chicken's food. 

In addition, calf are often seen eating the chicken's coop & hunting for fresh eggs. So, you must be aware that you don't let the chickens enter the cow's cages during feeding time. Thus, is it advisable to invest in separate feeding & litter boxes for both animals. 

4. Contagious disease 

Most of the time, the farm owners don't stress disease transfer because the chickens have a minor life cycle, so the chain breaks down if they are carriers of parasites. 

However, keeping an eye on them doesn't allow grazing the calf & chickens gazing simultaneously on the same farm, while hereford cow for sale are on certain kinds of medications because the medicines can infect the chickens and their eggs. 

So, the best you can do is keeping an eye on the livestock animals and provide them ample space so that they don't need to enter each other's grazing space. 

So, once you're satisfied with raising the cows and chickens combined, let's understand their benefits. 

Why is it good to raise chickens and cows together? 

1. Predator 

A chicken makes the easiest prey while hardly any animal dares to attack the cows. So, predator control of chickens is one of the most apparent reasons a farm owner likes to keep them together.   

2. Pasture 

Chickens and cows graze in different manners. Such as, chickens chose to feed the corners and sideways while the cows graze in the center. This way, there will be ample food for both the animals. 



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