Grooming Tips For Bikers Boys You Should Know

If you are an avid biker and care very much about your skin and hair, then this article is for you. Whether it is bestgrooming balms Brooklyn or skincare, here is all the information you want.

Skincare tips for biker

Along with your hair, you need to take care of your skin as well. When riding, your face gets irritated by the wind and sun which leads to sunburnt, dry skin. To avoid that follow these guidelines:

·         Use sunscreen with SPF 30 before going out. Apply it at least 20 min before you go out.

·         Use a good moisturizer that has active ingredients which provide a skin barrier.

·         Use good hand cream as your hands will be chafed from holding the handle. If you are cycling, don’t forget to use a good foot cream as well.

·         Use sunscreen on your hands and other exposed part as well. Also, a good body lotion/cream can prevent them from drying up.

Hairstyling Tips for bikers

Wearing a helmet is a must whether you are driving a motorcycle or a bicycle. Helmets often damage your hair, so when wearing one, you need to follow these tips.

Dry hair well

Wearing a helmet on wet hair is the single biggest mistake most bikers make. Even a little wet hair will take up the shape of the helmet and will look odd when you take it off. The best option is to wash your hair 2 hours before going out, but since it is not possible in day-to-day life, the feasible option is to make sure you dry it well with your hairdryer and use cold hair to dry for the last few minutes.

Use minimal hair styling product

Your hairstyling product also needs to dry before you put on your helmet. If you can use volume sprays that have thermal protection as they will prevent the hairs from sticking to each other.


Use antistatic materials

There are two ways you can minimize static in your hair. Once use rosehip oil spray which naturally prevents your hair from electrifying and uses an anti-static agent inside the helmet. Just spray the cloth inside of the helmet to stop flying hairs.

Don’t buy a too tight a helmet

Wearing a perfectly fitted motorcycle helmet or any other helmet is very important. It will not only save you from injuries but won’t damage your hair or leave mark on the forehead.

Use good beeswax-based beard balm

If you have a beard, maintaining the beard along with your hair is very important. Use good, Handcrafted Bikers Brew Pomade Brooklyn that has beeswax as the main ingredient.  This kind of pomade tames the frizz easily. Plus it will moisturize the face along with the bead.

Fasten the helmet properly

Many damages to hair or facial hair happen because the rider did not fasten the helmet properly. Even if the helmet is fitting you perfectly, don’t neglect to fasten it. If unfastened, the helmet will have more friction with your hair leading to hair fall. Plus it is not safe to ride a bike, especially if you are riding a fast motorbike with an unfastened helmet.

So, these are some tips for taking care of your skin and hair if you are a biker.


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