Introduction to Towing Service


Popular Types of Towing 

There are three popular types of towing services available in Towing Company Houston: Hydraulic Towing Service, Normal Winch Towing Service, and Flatbed Towing Service. Apart from the three mentioned services, the last one is closed container tow trucks which is the safest option and is very popular among antique cars, luxury cars, or sports cars. 


a. Hydraulic Towing Service 

Like the name suggests, in Hydraulic Houston Towing Service, the vehicle is lifted by using a hydraulic system which ensures that the weight is equally distributed all over the place and the damage to the cars is minimized during transportation. 


b. Normal Winch Towing Service 

Standard winch towing is also called hook and chain towing because it uses a hook to attach the tow vehicle in the front or sometimes at the back. The hook will uplift the tow vehicle, and the towing vehicle will move forward. 

 Another method is when the hook is attached to the tow vehicle, and the towing vehicle will drag the scrap car. This requires two drivers, one is towing vehicle driver and the second is a tow car driver. This method of towing is very outdated because the chances of damaging the car are very high. 


c. Flatbed Towing Service 

As suggested by the name, we use a flatbed to load the tow vehicle on it, and there are two variations to do that. First is the pulling or driving of the car onto the flatbed and is very popular among the customers 

Another one is zero degrees towing, in that vehicle is driven on a flatbed, and the flatbed is attached to the towing truck with the help of a hydraulic system. 


When to use towing service  

When you park the car in the no parking zone. You must have already experienced this as the towing companies notoriously tow the vehicles. Still, it is not their fault because the drivers have already been warned with big no parking zone signs and hoardings. 


Suppose you have met with an accident on the road and your car can't be driven or accidentally fell in the ditch. The only option remaining for you is the road assistance or owing facility to either your garage or repair center. Some repair centers always provide the towing facility but charge extra for that. 


Suppose you have called for special delivery, for example, luxurious or sports car, from aboard. In that case, the deliveries are usually accomplished in closed container tow trucks to ensure the product's safety.


Industries also use the towing truck facility to carry the massive volume of equipment and machines from one place to another. Military, government departments, and police own their tow trucks. 


If you are shifting positions, it becomes compulsory to use towing service to move vehicles to different locations. Some packing companies provide a towing facility. Otherwise, you have to look for private towing services. 



Once in life, we all have experienced the towing service, and there are plenty of private companies providing who are ready to offer towing facilities. Still, the type of tow truck used solely depends on the size of the damaged vehicle. 


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